Natural Varroa Mite Control

Hopguard 3

Available in 10 & 24 strip packages and a 312 count bucket.

This unique miticide is derived from hop compounds, and provides a safe and easy-to-use alternative to traditional harsh chemicals. HopGuard 3 is acceptable for use in Langstroth, top bar hives, mating nucs, drone mother colonies, nucleus, splits and newly installed packages.

Hopguard Bees
HopGuard Strips Bees

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BetaTec Hop Products

Easy—AND SAFE—to Use

Each HopGuard 3 kit contains either 10 or 24 insert strips, ready for use. HopGuard 3 is also available in a 312 count bucket.

  • The daytime temperature should be above 50°F (10°C).
  • Use 2 strips per brood chamber
    (i.e. one strip per 5 frames of bees; two strips per 10 frames of bees)
  • Strips should be hung between brood frames.
  • Refer to the package label for full instructions.
HopGuard 3 Logo

Varroa Mite Control

COVID-19 update from our partner:

We are taking precautions to keep our employees safe during the COVID-19 outbreak and are running with reduced staff. Our shipping times are a bit longer than normal, rather than the customary 24-48 hour turnaround time, your order may ship in 5-7 business days. We are processing orders as quickly as possible in the order that they are received.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. We appreciate your business and will ship your order as soon possible.

Any Time of Year

HopGuard 3 is a contact application and can be applied anytime during the year, but its efficacy increases when there is less brood present in the colonies. The application reduces mite levels and gives colonies a boost to grow. Studies have shown this food-grade product is safe to use during honey flow without any risk of disrupting nectar foraging or tainting the honey.


BetaTec Hop Products

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has registered HopGuard® 3, a new biochemical miticide, Potassium Salts of Hops Beta Acids (K-HBAs), which is intended to provide another option for beekeepers to combat the devastating effects of the Varroa mite on honey bee colonies and to avoid the development of resistance toward other products.

If used inappropriately, any pest control product, including those with natural ingredients, may have health, safety or environmental risks: use this product only in accordance with label instructions.

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